Update from Mesa 1.0.1 to 1.1

  1. Download the latest version of MESA on the Download page.

  2. Open the file with Winrar, 7-zip, or another software.


If you already use MESA with your mod folder, you just have to :

  • Delete the directory that is named modname_source\mesa.
  • Extract the mesa folder from the archive file.
  • Open maya/prefs/shelves/ and extract shelf_mesa_v1.mel to your to c:\User\documents\maya\version\prefs\shelves\.


If you only use the mesa, outside of the “modname_source” directory, you will have to :

  • Delete the mesa folder from the path you have set in you maya.env file. It possible, that you choose to extract MESA into c:\users\documents\maya\version\scripts\ directory.

  • Open maya/prefs/shelves/ and extract shelf_mesa_v1.mel to your to c:\User\documents\maya\version\prefs\shelves\.
  • The icons hasn’t changed from 1.0.1 to 1.1, so there is nothing to do anymore

Now you can open maya.