Project setup

Read Me First

This Article Is important, read the first part that explain how the resource are handled in MESA, because it’s important you know where to save your Maya Scenes, and where to store your textures within the project workspace. In the second part you will learn how to setup your project before to run Maya and starting to use MESA.

Introduction to Project Workspaces

MESA provides predefined workspaces for all Source Engine games. These Workspaces are located in MESA/PROJECTS/.

Here is the list of predefined projects :

It important you run the batch file of any project workspace,

This directory is the environment variable GAME_PROJECT_SRC which is defined into a batch file dedicated for each projects.

How to setup with your project

  1. Just find the project workspaces that mathcs with the source engine game you target.
  2. Execute the Project_batch.bat file with Run as administrator.
  3. Run maya
  4. In maya set the active project,it must to point on this directory where the batchand the workspace.mel file are located, if you don’t know how, please read that tutorial ( How to set maya active project ).
  5. MUST TO READ : what about the resource MUST to be structured