MESA is a suite of MEL Scripts to export and import 3d models for the Valve Source Engine with Autodesk Maya. This is the short name for Maya Exporter for Source Absolute.

Question : What about the Absolute mention ? Answer : Because all the work could be done within Maya. no text editor will be required for the final version of MESA.

The objective of MESA, is about to make the full asset creation process within Maya interface. It include static, physiques, dynamic and ragdoll props models, breakable models, bodygroups models. But also NPCs (Monsters and Humanoid), Vehicles, Weapons and Items.

MESA is Mel scripts bases exporter and importer Tools. This script are the rewritten /edited Script from Valve originally designed for maya 4.5, and that is available into the source sdk provided by Valve Software.

MESA is compatible with all recent version of Maya ( 2011/2012/2013 x86 and x64 bits )

Bugs to fix :

– Bump map issue ( do not add a texture in the Bump Mapping channel of the phongE shader. – Give a proper feed back for the user about the bad settings for the materials folder, so you cannot convert the tga into vtf. symptom : the $cdmaterials is not write into the qc file. – Multiple Uv sets ( the exporter do not handle the multiple Uvsets, so the uvset must be merged before to export ( combine solve that issue)

That all folks ! and that enough for me. I hope to get a feed back sooner as is it possible to know if the FULL COMPILE works anywhere else that on my own computer, i can test out with maya 2013 on my tablet.

Broken Scripts

– Flip anim its just a peal to play with the curves of the anim graph, it must be rewrite for the recent version of maya, the orignal script are not yet available. – wcimport, maya use direct connect to convert the DXF , and all the scale and upxais orientation set in the sript are overwritten so a simple script could fix that, i just need the formula tu get the percentage.

It’s better late than never, for posting here hehe ;O RedEyes