It a great pleasure for me to announce the availability of MESA 2.0 MESA is a tool-set of scripts for Autodesk Maya that can Import and Export to the Source engine.

This is a list of the new functionalities and improvements than MESA 2.0 brings.

  • The new environment System is now completely independent from the Source Sdk Environment variables.
  • The Maya.env files is no longer used to define the environment variables that MESA requires to work.
  • MESA provides the project environment workspaces for the 20 Games powered by the Source Engine.
  • The UI has been refines ( check the Screenshot section )
  • Guide Sections (under development) this section wil brings some use full tips and important information with the creation of assets vehicles, npcs, items, and weapons.
  • and more…

You can use the Issue report service that Github offers for developpers to report any bug, or features requests.

MESA on Github

Nicolas Kirsch